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Dawn Whitmire, novelist, author

Also writing as Rachel Carrington

World of Imagination.

Dawn Whitmire, novelist, author









dreams, fantasy



Dawn Whitmire Writer:  Dawn  is a published author whose first romance manuscript entitled Heart First  was published in January 2002.  Her second manuscript, a paranormal romance, was just accepted for publication by Wings e-Press, Inc. with an anticipated publication date of July 2004. 

Dawn Whitmire Instructor: Dawn is a course developer for Suite101.com and involved in teaching the course entitled "Catching the Editor's Eye."

 Course Introduction:

You've just finished your manuscript or maybe you've got the finish line in sight.  Are you wondering what next?  In between editing your book and preparing the query letter to your targeted agent or editor, there's a step you must take....writing the synopsis.  If you're like I was a few years back, your face is wrinkling right now and the dread is settling in.  What if I were to tell you it didn't have to be that way?  What if I could show you a quick, precise way to write your synopsis and make it as enjoyable as writing the manuscript?  What if I could make you look forward to your book's ending just so you could get to the synopsis?  Or maybe even help you to write the synopsis as you wrote the book. 

Impossible, you say?  Did you think it was impossible for you to write a novel?  Did you think it was impossible to actually finish the novel?  As writers, we live in the land of impossibility and imagination.  Nothing is impossible as long as we have imagination.  That's what writing a synopsis is all about.  Yes, there's a suggested outline to follow.  Yes, there are certain rules, so to speak, but that doesn't mean writing a synopsis has to be boring or a fearsome task.

I'll show you how to push past the barriers and unlock your excitement.  After all, your book is finished and you've come a long way.  The rest is a piece of cake.  

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Dawn Whitmire is a member of:

EPIC, the Electronically Published Internet Connection

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Last modified: 04/28/04